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Ruth Omole: FUTA Postgraduate Student who Commutes in Style on Campus.

Ruth Omole: FUTA Postgraduate Student who Commutes in Style on Campus.

In the bustling campus of the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA), a familiar sight catches the eyes of many—a young woman gliding through the throngs of students on a bicycle. RUTH ADESEYE OMOLE, a daring PhD student in the Department of Food Science and Technology, in the University’s School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology stands out not just for her academic pursuits but also for her unique mode of transportation.

For her, riding a bicycle is more than just a means of getting around; it is a symbol of resilience, freedom, and joy.
Growing up in a modest household, Ruth always had a fascination with bicycles. As a child, she would watch with longing as other children rode their bicycles, wishing she could join them. However, her family’s financial situation made it impossible to afford even the simplest of bicycles. “I remember those days vividly; Ruth recalls with a smile. I would sit back and wonder when I would be able to afford a bicycle. I have always loved bicycles.”

Despite the financial challenges, Ruth’s parents instilled in her a strong sense of determination and the importance of education. They encouraged her to dream big and work hard; values that would eventually propel her to pursue degrees in sciences, seeing that she had her first and second degrees here in FUTA. She said, “my parents always told me that education is the key to a better future, so, I focused on my studies and made a promise to myself that one day, I would own a bicycle and ride it with pride.”

That day finally came during her master’s degree programme Ruth bought her first bicycle from her savings —not the most expensive but a sturdy and befitting one. It was a moment of triumph and joy for her. “When I got my first bicycle, it felt like I had wings, she laughs. It wasn’t just about transportation; it was about fulfilling a childhood dream and proving to myself that I could overcome any obstacle.”

Riding her bicycle has since become an integral part of Ruth’s daily routine. She pedals her way across the campus, from her hostel to the library, and to her research lab. Not only does it save her money, but it also provides her with a sense of freedom and fun. “Cycling is therapeutic for me, Ruth explains. It clears my mind, keeps me fit, saves me arrival time to lectures and meetings, and allows me to enjoy the beauty of the campus.”

Her choice to ride a bicycle has also inspired many of her peers as they have begun to see that it is okay to embrace simplicity and find joy in little things. Her story is a reminder of how far one can go with determination and a positive attitude.

As Ruth nears the completion of her PhD, she reflects on her journey with gratitude and hope. “The bicycle has been more than just a mode of transportation for me, she says thoughtfully. It represents my journey from a humble background to becoming a PhD student. It is a reminder that no matter where you start, with hard work and perseverance, you can achieve your dreams.”

Every ride, for Ruth, is a celebration of resilience, a nod to her past, and a pedal forward into a future filled with promise. Her story serves as an inspiration to many—a testament to the power of dreams, determination, and the simple joy of riding a bicycle.
– Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA)

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