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A woman adorned with grace, both day and night embracing virtues of compassion, gifted with a heart, a benevolent embrace…

Her touch heals wounds, making spirits whole, while she spreads joy with genuine smiles in every step she takes reviving wounded souls, healing hearts that ache, offering solace and as well transforms darkness to bloom….

With words like honey, she spreads compassion’s seed, nourishing gardens of hope, where love takes the lead….

Her days are filled with acts of giving, lending a hand for others she’s living, for the needy, she’ll walk an extra mile, she walks amongst the suffering, she is a beacon of care, whispering solace, reminding them they are rare…

Her hands, gentle yet strong, reach out in kinship, embracing the broken, mending each fragile partnership.
In despair’s abyss, she stands tall and resolute, a warrior of empathy, her essence is absolute….

she moves with elegance, optimism dances in her steps, leading with empathy, a gracious presence.
Her steps inspire, with every change she brings,
A symphony of unity, that transcends human beings. She believes in the power of unity, building bridges instead of enmity, breaking barriers, she fosters connections, uniting hearts in a world of reflection….

With her voice, she speaks for unheard voices, creating waves of change with her choices, advocating justice, fighting for rights, empowering the silenced, igniting their lights.

She remains resilient, brave and forever strong, for she knows that a better world can arise,
When compassion becomes our greatest prize.

So let us celebrate 🍾🍾🍾this rare woman, a social and Icon leading with smile, a Beacon of humanity, whose compassionate touch has no bounds.
May her actions inspire us all to imbibe the spirit of love and togetherness.

Oh! woman of strength💪 *Her excellency Dorothy NUHU AKENOVA remain in your honour 👑
I celebrate you 🍾🍾🍾

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