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North has nothing to fear about restructuring – NEF spokesman

North has nothing to fear about restructuring – NEF spokesman

Director of Publicity and Advocacy for the Northern Elders Forum, Abdul-Azeez Suleiman, shares his thoughts with DANIEL AYANTOYE on the increasing rate of insecurity and economic hardship in the country, among other issues

It has been difficult to end insecurity in Nigeria, particularly in the northern area of the country where the level of killings and kidnappings has increased. Why has the security challenge continued to linger?

The issue of insecurity in Nigeria, particularly in the northern region, has proven to be a persistent and challenging problem to address. Despite various efforts by the government and security forces, the level of killings and kidnappings continues to increase, leaving many wondering why the security challenge has continued to linger. With the current situation in the North, anxiety is mounting as to whether the region has been abandoned to a rampaging insurgency and banditry that understands that weak political will and corruption have weakened the government’s resolve to fight it.

About three million of our fellow citizens are internally displaced and hundreds of thousands are orphaned; hunger, and malnourishment, previously unknown in our land are now becoming alarming features of existence. One of the main reasons for the worsening level of insecurity in Nigeria is the lack of effective coordination and cooperation among security agencies. There is often a lack of synergy between the police, military, and other security forces, which hampers their ability to effectively tackle security threats. This lack of coordination allows criminals and insurgents to operate with impunity, further exacerbating the problem.

Another factor contributing to insecurity in Nigeria is widespread poverty and unemployment in the country. Many young people, especially in the northern region, are unemployed and lack opportunities for economic advancement. This makes them vulnerable to recruitment by criminal and insurgent groups who promise financial rewards in exchange for their cooperation. Addressing the root causes of poverty and unemployment is crucial in tackling insecurity in the country.

Additionally, the porous borders in the northern region make it easy for criminals and insurgents to enter and exit the country, evading capture by security forces. Strengthening border security and cooperation with neighbouring countries is essential in addressing this issue. Corruption and lack of accountability within the security forces have also hampered efforts to end insecurity in Nigeria. Some security personnel have been accused of colluding with criminal elements, further undermining government’s efforts to maintain law and order.

Education is a powerful tool for empowering young people and steering them away from criminal behaviour.

Another important strategy is to encourage the youth to participate in recreational activities and sports. By providing safe and structured outlets for socialising and physical activity, we can help young people stay active and healthy while also fostering positive peer relationships. Engaging in sports or other recreational activities can boost self-esteem, enhance problem-solving skills, and promote teamwork – all of which contribute to a sense of purpose and belonging. Community involvement and mentorship programs can play a crucial role in guiding young people toward positive and productive behaviour.

It is essential that we invest in our youth and provide them with the support they need to thrive and succeed. No nation can aspire to greatness or seek to remain secure and safe when its youth and the productive segments of society are left to indulge in self-destructive practices like drug and substance abuse. I can unhesitatingly assert that the drug situation in the North is one of the most serious social and security challenges facing Nigeria today.


North has nothing to fear about restructuring – NEF spokesman
March 17, 2024
11:08 am


North has nothing to fear about restructuring – NEF spokesman

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Labour Party Clashes With Nigerian Labour Congress, Asks NLC President Ajaero To Resign If He’s Interested In Julius Abure’s Position
Director of Publicity and Advocacy for the Northern Elders Forum, Abdul-Azeez Suleiman, shares his thoughts with DANIEL AYANTOYE on the increasing rate of insecurity and economic hardship in the country, among other issues

It has been difficult to end insecurity in Nigeria, particularly in the northern area of the country where the level of killings and kidnappings has increased. Why has the security challenge continued to linger?

The issue of insecurity in Nigeria, particularly in the northern region, has proven to be a persistent and challenging problem to address. Despite various efforts by the government and security forces, the level of killings and kidnappings continues to increase, leaving many wondering why the security challenge has continued to linger. With the current situation in the North, anxiety is mounting as to whether the region has been abandoned to a rampaging insurgency and banditry that understands that weak political will and corruption have weakened the government’s resolve to fight it.

About three million of our fellow citizens are internally displaced and hundreds of thousands are orphaned; hunger, and malnourishment, previously unknown in our land are now becoming alarming features of existence. One of the main reasons for the worsening level of insecurity in Nigeria is the lack of effective coordination and cooperation among security agencies. There is often a lack of synergy between the police, military, and other security forces, which hampers their ability to effectively tackle security threats. This lack of coordination allows criminals and insurgents to operate with impunity, further exacerbating the problem.

Another factor contributing to insecurity in Nigeria is widespread poverty and unemployment in the country. Many young people, especially in the northern region, are unemployed and lack opportunities for economic advancement. This makes them vulnerable to recruitment by criminal and insurgent groups who promise financial rewards in exchange for their cooperation. Addressing the root causes of poverty and unemployment is crucial in tackling insecurity in the country.

Additionally, the porous borders in the northern region make it easy for criminals and insurgents to enter and exit the country, evading capture by security forces. Strengthening border security and cooperation with neighbouring countries is essential in addressing this issue. Corruption and lack of accountability within the security forces have also hampered efforts to end insecurity in Nigeria. Some security personnel have been accused of colluding with criminal elements, further undermining government’s efforts to maintain law and order.

President Bola Tinubu has insisted that no ransom should be paid to criminals who see kidnapping as a form of business. While the government may see the non-payment of ransom to kidnappers as a solution to end kidnapping, some say stopping the criminals remains the best option. What is your response to this argument?

President Bola Tinubu’s stance on refusing to pay ransom to kidnappers who see kidnapping as a business is a strong and bold position. It sends a clear message that the government will not negotiate with criminals or reward their illegal activities. However, while this approach may be effective in dissuading future kidnappings, some argue that simply stopping the criminals themselves is the best solution to end the crime of kidnapping. It is crucial to recognise the complexities of addressing kidnapping as a form of criminal activity. While cutting off the source of income for kidnappers by refusing ransom payments may lead to a decrease in the number of kidnappings, it is also important to address the root causes that drive individuals to engage in such criminal behaviour.

Poverty, lack of opportunities, and social inequalities are often cited as factors that contribute to the rise in kidnapping incidents. The government needs to invest in law enforcement and security measures to apprehend and prosecute those responsible for kidnapping. By strengthening the judicial system and increasing the capacity of law enforcement agencies, the government can effectively deter criminals from engaging in kidnapping activities. The escalating banditry in northern Nigeria has reached a critical point, serving as a stark reminder of the urgent need for intervention.

The terror that struck Buda on Monday night has left families in anguish and uncertainty. The abduction in Buda serves as a reminder of the recent kidnapping of over 200 students in Kuriga village, Chikun Local Government Area, underscoring the need for swift action and a safer future for children. The abduction of the children in Buda and the students in Kuriga village are not isolated incidents – they are part of a pattern of violence and lawlessness that is spreading across the country.

The government must take decisive action to address the root causes of the crisis, including poverty, unemployment, and ethnic and religious tensions. The state and federal governments must heed the calls for intervention and take decisive steps to address the escalating crisis of insecurity before more lives are lost and families are torn apart. It is time for action to ensure the safety and security of all Nigerians.

Also, the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Nyesom Wike, said most cases of kidnapping in the FCT in recent times were stage-managed. Don’t you think this is worrisome?

His (Wike) remarks on the prevalence of stage-managed kidnappings in the FCT are not to be taken lightly. The act of staging a kidnap for personal gain or attention is not only unethical but also dangerous. It not only wastes valuable law enforcement resources but also creates unnecessary fear and panic in the community. In a society where kidnapping is a real and serious crime that affects the lives of countless individuals, the notion of individuals fabricating such incidents for their purposes is deeply troubling.

One of the main reasons why individuals may choose to stage a kidnapping is for financial gain. With the high ransom amounts that are often demanded in real kidnapping cases, some individuals may see an opportunity to exploit the situation for their benefit. By pretending to be a victim of a kidnap, they may believe that they can extort money from their family, friends, or even the government. Another reason why individuals may choose to stage a kidnap is for attention.

In today’s world, where social media plays such a prominent role in our lives, some individuals may see fabricating a kidnapping as a way to garner sympathy and support from their peers. By creating a dramatic and sensational story of being kidnapped, they may believe that they can become the centre of attention and receive validation. The consequences of staging a kidnap are far-reaching and can have serious implications. Not only does it undermine the efforts of law enforcement to combat real kidnappings, but it also causes unnecessary fear and panic in the community. The resources that are diverted to investigate these fabricated incidents could have been better utilised to address real crimes and keep the community safe.

What can be done to keep the youth busy and take their minds off criminality?

There are various approaches that can be taken to keep the youth busy and away from criminal behaviour. One effective approach is to provide young people with opportunities for education and skill-building. By offering vocational training programmes, job placement services, and career guidance, we can help the youth to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue meaningful and fulfilling careers. Education is a powerful tool for empowering young people and steering them away from criminal behaviour.

Another important strategy is to encourage the youth to participate in recreational activities and sports. By providing safe and structured outlets for socialising and physical activity, we can help young people stay active and healthy while also fostering positive peer relationships. Engaging in sports or other recreational activities can boost self-esteem, enhance problem-solving skills, and promote teamwork – all of which contribute to a sense of purpose and belonging. Community involvement and mentorship programs can play a crucial role in guiding young people toward positive and productive behaviour.

It is essential that we invest in our youth and provide them with the support they need to thrive and succeed. No nation can aspire to greatness or seek to remain secure and safe when its youth and the productive segments of society are left to indulge in self-destructive practices like drug and substance abuse. I can unhesitatingly assert that the drug situation in the North is one of the most serious social and security challenges facing Nigeria today.

Not a few believe that Gumi’s decision to negotiate on behalf of the government with terrorists may be counterproductive as the hoodlums or the government may turn against him. What is your thought about this?

We hear and understand the widespread debate concerning Sheikh Ahmad Gumi’s decision to negotiate on behalf of the government with terrorists. Some individuals believe that this approach may be counterproductive, as it could potentially lead to the hoodlums or the government turning against him. While this concern is valid, it is essential to consider the bigger picture and the potential benefits of engaging in dialogue with these groups. Negotiating with terrorists is a delicate and complex process that requires careful consideration of various factors.

While there is a risk that the terrorists may use the negotiations as a platform to further their agenda, there is also the possibility of achieving a peaceful resolution and putting an end to the cycle of violence. Sheikh Gumi’s efforts to engage with these groups should be commended, as they demonstrate a willingness to explore all avenues for peace. It is important to note that dialogue does not equate to appeasement. Negotiations should be conducted with clear objectives and boundaries, ensuring that the interests of the government and the safety of its citizens are protected. Additionally, it is crucial to maintain transparency and accountability throughout the negotiation process to prevent any misunderstanding or breach of trust. Ultimately, Sheikh Gumi’s decision to negotiate with terrorists may be risky, but it is a necessary step towards finding a lasting solution to the ongoing conflict.

Some have said the security situation in the country has a political undertone. What do you make of this?

While it is true that politics can sometimes influence the security landscape, it is important to approach this issue with caution and careful analysis. It is undeniable that politics and security are interconnected in many ways. The decisions made by political leaders can have a direct impact on the security of a nation, whether it is through policies, resource allocation, or diplomatic relations. Additionally, political actors may also seek to exploit security concerns for their gain, using fear and insecurity to further their agendas.

The economic hardship in the country affects almost all Nigerians. What is your assessment of the situation?

North particularly dire for those living below the poverty line, as they are hit the hardest by the economic challenges facing the country. High prices of essential goods and services, coupled with low wages, have made it difficult for many Nigerians to afford basic necessities such as food, housing, and healthcare.

The lack of job opportunities has left many Nigerians without a stable source of income, further exacerbating the economic hardship they face. This has led to increased levels of poverty, crime, and social unrest in the country. To address the economic hardship facing Nigeria, the government must take urgent action to improve the economy, create job opportunities, and provide support to those most affected by the current economic situation. Only through proactive and effective measures can Nigeria begin to alleviate the economic hardship experienced by its citizens.

How will you describe President Tinubu’s approach towards tackling the economic challenges in the country?

The Northern Elders Forum is known for its commitment to upholding a standard of judgment that is fair and just, regardless of the administration in power. As a forum, we have set a precedence of being respectful and responsible in our relationships with leaders at all levels and have made it our mission to speak truth to power, even when it may be uncomfortable or unpopular. It is with this same commitment to integrity and honesty that we approach the current administration of President Tinubu.

While we do not seek to whitewash or smear his leadership, we also cannot ignore the stark realities facing our nation under his watch. The economic policies implemented by his administration, particularly the decision to float the naira, have led to widespread hardship and suffering for millions of Nigerians. Hunger, inflation, job losses, business closures, decaying infrastructure, and a lack of hope for the future are just some of the challenges facing our country today. It is our duty as concerned citizens and members of the Northern Elders Forum to hold President Tinubu accountable for these consequences and to urge him to take swift and decisive action to address the pressing needs of our people.

We acknowledge that the road to recovery will be long and difficult, but we believe that with patience and determination, it is possible to steer our nation in the right direction. President Tinubu must understand that his legacy and vision are at stake and that the quality and competence of those he chooses to surround himself with will play a crucial role in determining the success of his administration. We are concerned citizens who want to see our country thrive and prosper. We insist that his administration must do better in managing the economy, fighting corruption, and rebuilding a nation united by justice and honest enterprise. We will continue to advocate the interests of the North, the unity and security of Nigeria, and the welfare of all citizens.

Given the economic hardship, Labour recently engaged the Federal Government in a tripartite meeting held in various geopolitical zones demanding an increase in its minimum wage. There were demands that the new minimum wage should be N500,000. What do you think should currently be the minimum wage?

As economic pressures continue to weigh heavily on the Nigerian workforce, the tripartite meeting between Labour and the Federal Government regarding a potential increase in the minimum wage has sparked demands for a minimum wage of N500,000 being put forward by Labour. The question of what the new minimum wage should be requires careful consideration. While it is understandable that Labour is advocating a significant increase in the minimum wage to alleviate the financial strain faced by many workers, it is important to strike a balance that is both fair to employees and sustainable for businesses.

A minimum wage of N500,000 may be unrealistic and could potentially have adverse effects on the economy as a whole. Instead, a more moderate increase in the minimum wage, taking into account factors such as inflation and the cost of living would be a more reasonable approach. A gradual increase that reflects the economic realities of the country and ensures that workers can meet their basic needs without placing undue burden on employers will be more appropriate

North has nothing to fear about restructuring – NEF spokesman
March 17, 2024
11:08 am


North has nothing to fear about restructuring – NEF spokesman

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Labour Party Clashes With Nigerian Labour Congress, Asks NLC President Ajaero To Resign If He’s Interested In Julius Abure’s Position
Director of Publicity and Advocacy for the Northern Elders Forum, Abdul-Azeez Suleiman, shares his thoughts with DANIEL AYANTOYE on the increasing rate of insecurity and economic hardship in the country, among other issues

It has been difficult to end insecurity in Nigeria, particularly in the northern area of the country where the level of killings and kidnappings has increased. Why has the security challenge continued to linger?

The issue of insecurity in Nigeria, particularly in the northern region, has proven to be a persistent and challenging problem to address. Despite various efforts by the government and security forces, the level of killings and kidnappings continues to increase, leaving many wondering why the security challenge has continued to linger. With the current situation in the North, anxiety is mounting as to whether the region has been abandoned to a rampaging insurgency and banditry that understands that weak political will and corruption have weakened the government’s resolve to fight it.

About three million of our fellow citizens are internally displaced and hundreds of thousands are orphaned; hunger, and malnourishment, previously unknown in our land are now becoming alarming features of existence. One of the main reasons for the worsening level of insecurity in Nigeria is the lack of effective coordination and cooperation among security agencies. There is often a lack of synergy between the police, military, and other security forces, which hampers their ability to effectively tackle security threats. This lack of coordination allows criminals and insurgents to operate with impunity, further exacerbating the problem.

Another factor contributing to insecurity in Nigeria is widespread poverty and unemployment in the country. Many young people, especially in the northern region, are unemployed and lack opportunities for economic advancement. This makes them vulnerable to recruitment by criminal and insurgent groups who promise financial rewards in exchange for their cooperation. Addressing the root causes of poverty and unemployment is crucial in tackling insecurity in the country.

Additionally, the porous borders in the northern region make it easy for criminals and insurgents to enter and exit the country, evading capture by security forces. Strengthening border security and cooperation with neighbouring countries is essential in addressing this issue. Corruption and lack of accountability within the security forces have also hampered efforts to end insecurity in Nigeria. Some security personnel have been accused of colluding with criminal elements, further undermining government’s efforts to maintain law and order.

President Bola Tinubu has insisted that no ransom should be paid to criminals who see kidnapping as a form of business. While the government may see the non-payment of ransom to kidnappers as a solution to end kidnapping, some say stopping the criminals remains the best option. What is your response to this argument?

President Bola Tinubu’s stance on refusing to pay ransom to kidnappers who see kidnapping as a business is a strong and bold position. It sends a clear message that the government will not negotiate with criminals or reward their illegal activities. However, while this approach may be effective in dissuading future kidnappings, some argue that simply stopping the criminals themselves is the best solution to end the crime of kidnapping. It is crucial to recognise the complexities of addressing kidnapping as a form of criminal activity. While cutting off the source of income for kidnappers by refusing ransom payments may lead to a decrease in the number of kidnappings, it is also important to address the root causes that drive individuals to engage in such criminal behaviour.

Poverty, lack of opportunities, and social inequalities are often cited as factors that contribute to the rise in kidnapping incidents. The government needs to invest in law enforcement and security measures to apprehend and prosecute those responsible for kidnapping. By strengthening the judicial system and increasing the capacity of law enforcement agencies, the government can effectively deter criminals from engaging in kidnapping activities. The escalating banditry in northern Nigeria has reached a critical point, serving as a stark reminder of the urgent need for intervention.

The terror that struck Buda on Monday night has left families in anguish and uncertainty. The abduction in Buda serves as a reminder of the recent kidnapping of over 200 students in Kuriga village, Chikun Local Government Area, underscoring the need for swift action and a safer future for children. The abduction of the children in Buda and the students in Kuriga village are not isolated incidents – they are part of a pattern of violence and lawlessness that is spreading across the country.

The government must take decisive action to address the root causes of the crisis, including poverty, unemployment, and ethnic and religious tensions. The state and federal governments must heed the calls for intervention and take decisive steps to address the escalating crisis of insecurity before more lives are lost and families are torn apart. It is time for action to ensure the safety and security of all Nigerians.

Also, the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Nyesom Wike, said most cases of kidnapping in the FCT in recent times were stage-managed. Don’t you think this is worrisome?

His (Wike) remarks on the prevalence of stage-managed kidnappings in the FCT are not to be taken lightly. The act of staging a kidnap for personal gain or attention is not only unethical but also dangerous. It not only wastes valuable law enforcement resources but also creates unnecessary fear and panic in the community. In a society where kidnapping is a real and serious crime that affects the lives of countless individuals, the notion of individuals fabricating such incidents for their purposes is deeply troubling.

One of the main reasons why individuals may choose to stage a kidnapping is for financial gain. With the high ransom amounts that are often demanded in real kidnapping cases, some individuals may see an opportunity to exploit the situation for their benefit. By pretending to be a victim of a kidnap, they may believe that they can extort money from their family, friends, or even the government. Another reason why individuals may choose to stage a kidnap is for attention.

In today’s world, where social media plays such a prominent role in our lives, some individuals may see fabricating a kidnapping as a way to garner sympathy and support from their peers. By creating a dramatic and sensational story of being kidnapped, they may believe that they can become the centre of attention and receive validation. The consequences of staging a kidnap are far-reaching and can have serious implications. Not only does it undermine the efforts of law enforcement to combat real kidnappings, but it also causes unnecessary fear and panic in the community. The resources that are diverted to investigate these fabricated incidents could have been better utilised to address real crimes and keep the community safe.

What can be done to keep the youth busy and take their minds off criminality?

There are various approaches that can be taken to keep the youth busy and away from criminal behaviour. One effective approach is to provide young people with opportunities for education and skill-building. By offering vocational training programmes, job placement services, and career guidance, we can help the youth to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue meaningful and fulfilling careers. Education is a powerful tool for empowering young people and steering them away from criminal behaviour.

Another important strategy is to encourage the youth to participate in recreational activities and sports. By providing safe and structured outlets for socialising and physical activity, we can help young people stay active and healthy while also fostering positive peer relationships. Engaging in sports or other recreational activities can boost self-esteem, enhance problem-solving skills, and promote teamwork – all of which contribute to a sense of purpose and belonging. Community involvement and mentorship programs can play a crucial role in guiding young people toward positive and productive behaviour.

It is essential that we invest in our youth and provide them with the support they need to thrive and succeed. No nation can aspire to greatness or seek to remain secure and safe when its youth and the productive segments of society are left to indulge in self-destructive practices like drug and substance abuse. I can unhesitatingly assert that the drug situation in the North is one of the most serious social and security challenges facing Nigeria today.

Not a few believe that Gumi’s decision to negotiate on behalf of the government with terrorists may be counterproductive as the hoodlums or the government may turn against him. What is your thought about this?

We hear and understand the widespread debate concerning Sheikh Ahmad Gumi’s decision to negotiate on behalf of the government with terrorists. Some individuals believe that this approach may be counterproductive, as it could potentially lead to the hoodlums or the government turning against him. While this concern is valid, it is essential to consider the bigger picture and the potential benefits of engaging in dialogue with these groups. Negotiating with terrorists is a delicate and complex process that requires careful consideration of various factors.

While there is a risk that the terrorists may use the negotiations as a platform to further their agenda, there is also the possibility of achieving a peaceful resolution and putting an end to the cycle of violence. Sheikh Gumi’s efforts to engage with these groups should be commended, as they demonstrate a willingness to explore all avenues for peace. It is important to note that dialogue does not equate to appeasement. Negotiations should be conducted with clear objectives and boundaries, ensuring that the interests of the government and the safety of its citizens are protected. Additionally, it is crucial to maintain transparency and accountability throughout the negotiation process to prevent any misunderstanding or breach of trust. Ultimately, Sheikh Gumi’s decision to negotiate with terrorists may be risky, but it is a necessary step towards finding a lasting solution to the ongoing conflict.

Some have said the security situation in the country has a political undertone. What do you make of this?

While it is true that politics can sometimes influence the security landscape, it is important to approach this issue with caution and careful analysis. It is undeniable that politics and security are interconnected in many ways. The decisions made by political leaders can have a direct impact on the security of a nation, whether it is through policies, resource allocation, or diplomatic relations. Additionally, political actors may also seek to exploit security concerns for their gain, using fear and insecurity to further their agendas.

The economic hardship in the country affects almost all Nigerians. What is your assessment of the situation?

North particularly dire for those living below the poverty line, as they are hit the hardest by the economic challenges facing the country. High prices of essential goods and services, coupled with low wages, have made it difficult for many Nigerians to afford basic necessities such as food, housing, and healthcare.

The lack of job opportunities has left many Nigerians without a stable source of income, further exacerbating the economic hardship they face. This has led to increased levels of poverty, crime, and social unrest in the country. To address the economic hardship facing Nigeria, the government must take urgent action to improve the economy, create job opportunities, and provide support to those most affected by the current economic situation. Only through proactive and effective measures can Nigeria begin to alleviate the economic hardship experienced by its citizens.

How will you describe President Tinubu’s approach towards tackling the economic challenges in the country?

The Northern Elders Forum is known for its commitment to upholding a standard of judgment that is fair and just, regardless of the administration in power. As a forum, we have set a precedence of being respectful and responsible in our relationships with leaders at all levels and have made it our mission to speak truth to power, even when it may be uncomfortable or unpopular. It is with this same commitment to integrity and honesty that we approach the current administration of President Tinubu.

While we do not seek to whitewash or smear his leadership, we also cannot ignore the stark realities facing our nation under his watch. The economic policies implemented by his administration, particularly the decision to float the naira, have led to widespread hardship and suffering for millions of Nigerians. Hunger, inflation, job losses, business closures, decaying infrastructure, and a lack of hope for the future are just some of the challenges facing our country today. It is our duty as concerned citizens and members of the Northern Elders Forum to hold President Tinubu accountable for these consequences and to urge him to take swift and decisive action to address the pressing needs of our people.

We acknowledge that the road to recovery will be long and difficult, but we believe that with patience and determination, it is possible to steer our nation in the right direction. President Tinubu must understand that his legacy and vision are at stake and that the quality and competence of those he chooses to surround himself with will play a crucial role in determining the success of his administration. We are concerned citizens who want to see our country thrive and prosper. We insist that his administration must do better in managing the economy, fighting corruption, and rebuilding a nation united by justice and honest enterprise. We will continue to advocate the interests of the North, the unity and security of Nigeria, and the welfare of all citizens.

Given the economic hardship, Labour recently engaged the Federal Government in a tripartite meeting held in various geopolitical zones demanding an increase in its minimum wage. There were demands that the new minimum wage should be N500,000. What do you think should currently be the minimum wage?

As economic pressures continue to weigh heavily on the Nigerian workforce, the tripartite meeting between Labour and the Federal Government regarding a potential increase in the minimum wage has sparked demands for a minimum wage of N500,000 being put forward by Labour. The question of what the new minimum wage should be requires careful consideration. While it is understandable that Labour is advocating a significant increase in the minimum wage to alleviate the financial strain faced by many workers, it is important to strike a balance that is both fair to employees and sustainable for businesses.

A minimum wage of N500,000 may be unrealistic and could potentially have adverse effects on the economy as a whole. Instead, a more moderate increase in the minimum wage, taking into account factors such as inflation and the cost of living would be a more reasonable approach. A gradual increase that reflects the economic realities of the country and ensures that workers can meet their basic needs without placing undue burden on employers will be more appropriate. While the demands for a minimum wage of N500,000 are understandable in the face of economic hardship, a more measured approach to wage increases should be adopted. It is important to find a balance that is fair to workers and businesses alike, to ensure a sustainable and equitable economic system.

There have been calls for the restructuring of Nigeria to true federalism. What is your take on this?

We are quite aware that the call for a re-evaluation of the philosophy, structures, and operations of the Nigerian state is growing louder by the day. The NEF is also on record as having expressed its discontent with the current state of affairs and demanding a change that will improve all Nigerians’ security and quality of life. As part of this desire for transformation, the North stands ready to participate in any restructuring process that is aimed at creating a more inclusive and equitable society. It is important to note that the North has nothing to fear from any restructuring process, as long as it (the North) is treated as a partner and not as a problem to be solved.

The North is willing to engage in open and honest discussions on constitutional reforms, the federal structure, the national economy, and any other issues that are hindering progress and development in the country. It is time for all Nigerians to come together and ask the tough questions about how our nation is being governed. Why are we paying our legislators exorbitant salaries? Do we need all those in power who are draining our resources?

As the North looks towards a restructuring process that will involve its assets and interests, the President and governors must pay close attention to the hardships and stresses that will inevitably arise during this transition period. The North must be involved as equal partners in the process, not as passive recipients of policies and programmes that are devised without their input. Leaders and policymakers must take into account the limitations and disadvantages faced by the region, so as not to exacerbate existing challenges with poorly designed policies.

The North is ready and willing to participate in a restructuring process that will benefit all Nigerians. It is time for the country to come together and forge a new path towards a more inclusive and equitable society. While some have made a career out of demonising and insulting the North, the region remains steadfast in its commitment to justice for all. The North is not interested in engaging with those who seek to divide and sow discord. Instead, it stands firm in its belief that fairness and equality should be the guiding principles of any restructuring process.

Former Secretary of the National Democratic Coalition, Ayo Opadodun, agrees that the current system of government practised in Nigeria cannot get the country the development it desires. Do you think a parliamentary system is good for the political and economic survival of the country?

The NEF has been vocal in its criticism of the presidential system of government in Nigeria, with Professor Ango Abdullahi, the convener of the forum, recently highlighting the benefits of the parliamentary system that was once in place. Elder statesmen like Prof. Abdullahi, who witnessed the First Republic legislature, believe that the parliamentary system worked for the country and has not been given sufficient time to truly succeed.

Our position is that the presidential system of government has failed to move Nigeria forward over the past 23 years. This system is unsuitable not only for Nigeria but for any country that is part of the Western world. The NEF believes that the democracy being forced on nations by the Western world serves their interests rather than the interests of the countries themselves.

The President has initiated the processes for the implementation of the Oransaye report. What is your take on it?

The decision to initiate the processes for the implementation of the Oransaye report is a positive development that has the potential to bring about much-needed reforms in the Federal Government. The report identified that there were over 500 Federal Government agencies, parastatals, and commissions, many of which were either redundant, performing overlapping functions, or were no longer relevant in the current socio-economic context of the country. The President’s decision to act on the recommendations of the report is a step in the right direction towards reducing the size of the government and making it more cost-effective and efficient.

The National Assembly is currently enmeshed in a controversy about budget padding and sharing of money. To what extent do you think this can adversely affect the image of the legislature as an arm of government?

The NEF, like all responsible organisations, stands behind the suspended Senator Abdul Ningi regarding the N3.7tn gap in the 2024 budget presented to the National Assembly. Senator Ningi was right to point out the lack of detailed allocation for the substantial sum in question. His claim that two versions of the 2024 budget were passed at the National Assembly remains uncontroverted by the Senate or the Federal Government. The allocations for institutions such as the National Assembly, National Judicial Council, Independent National Electoral Commission, and Tertiary Education Trust Fund lack transparency in terms of detailed breakdowns.

The public has every right to question how the funds allocated to these agencies are being utilised. It is disturbing that about N2tn of the budget pertains to government-owned enterprises, separate from the MDA’s budget. The lack of transparency in the utilisation of these funds is alarming, especially considering the significant allocations to agencies like INEC, NJC, and the National Assembly. Senator Ningi’s concerns regarding budget padding and lack of detailed breakdowns for statutory transfers and government-owned enterprises are valid. The addition of 7,474 projects worth N2.2tn to the budget further highlights the issue of transparency and accountability in budget allocation. Senator Ningi’s advocacy for accountability in budgeting processes is commendable, and the National Assembly must address these concerns to uphold good governance practices.

The take-off of the student loan scheme promised by the Federal Government has been postponed indefinitely. Many believe this will affect students from poor backgrounds who may not be able to pay the tuition fees that most tertiary institutions have hiked. What is your advice to the Federal Government on this issue?

As far as the NEF is concerned, the postponement of the student loan scheme by the Federal Government is a setback for the education sector and a disservice to students from disadvantaged backgrounds who may struggle to pay the hiked tuition fees in most tertiary institutions. This move will further widen the gap between the rich and the poor when it comes to accessing quality education. As a concerned body of elders, the NEF believes that education is a fundamental right that should be accessible to all, regardless of socio-economic background.

By delaying the implementation of the student loan scheme, the government is effectively denying many deserving students the chance to pursue higher education and improve their lives. This not only hinders social mobility but also perpetuates the cycle of poverty and inequality in our society. Our advice to the Federal Government on this issue is to prioritise the implementation of the student loan scheme without further delay.

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