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Prominent among those seeking to occupy the position of the national chairman of the APC, is none other than Senator Umar Tanko Al-makura, two-term governor of Nasarawa State and lawmaker who represented Nasarawa South at the upper chamber of the national assembly.

There is no better time for the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) to consolidate its grip on power than now when the country inches toward election year comes 2027.

Following anticipated internal wranglings resulting from the recent congresses of the party at the ward, local government, state and national level, with aggrieved members of the party smarting from their experiences during the exercises, there is need for caution especially that the opposition is regrouping and scheming to give the APC a run for its money ahead of the coming general election.

Indeed, with various agitations within and outside the party, it remains obvious that the APC must put it acts in order, pacify aggrieved members, in order to forge a common front leading to victory.

So far, with persisting disagreements in Kano, Zamfara and others, the National Reconciliation Committee chaired by first civilian governor of Nasarawa State, Senator Abdullahi Adamu, may have failed in its assignment, necessitating the request for more time in order to genuinely reconcile aggrieved members of the party.

There is the need therefore to bring onboard a more efficient and effective national working committee of the party, that will work hard to truly reconcile members of the APC across the country.

Prominent among those seeking to occupy the position of the national chairman of the APC, is none other than Senator Umar Tanko Al-makura, two-term governor of Nasarawa State and lawmaker who represented Nasarawa South at the upper chamber of the national assembly.

A thoroughbred politician, with manifest experience in party administration, governance and legislative procedures, Senator Al-makura, presents the right mix of accomplished leadership qualities, that will not only add value to the APC but will facilitate, sustain and build on the successes recorded by the party so far.

Senator Al-makura at various times was the state youth leader of the defunct National Party of Nigeria (NPN), state secretary of the National Republican Convention (NRC), as well as a member of the constituent assembly.

During his eight-year reign as governor of Nasarawa State, Senator Al-makura exhibited uncommon prowess in political brinkmanship, having supervised the ousting of the then ruling party in the state, and to usher in an administration predicated on a philosophy, aimed at bettering the lot of the people.

Senator Al-makura while being governor showed the qualities of a team player, whose actions were strictly guided by the rule of law and who remained accountable to the people. He was able to initiate and put in place foundations for future administrations to build upon, by introducing reforms in governance and administration.

Al-makura was able to re-orientate and introduce new values aimed at inculcating decency and discipline through exemplary leadership.

His aspiration to occupy the position of the national chairman of the APC was not accidental. Senator Al-makura has tremendous hope in a party that he helped to build. He played a key role in the negotiations leading to the merger that gave birth to the APC in 2013.

Not only that, Senator Al-makura, takes it as a sacred responsibility to build on the successes of his political role model, President Muhammadu Buhari. President Buhari and Senator Al-makura came a long way. The duo conducted joint campaigns on the streets of Lafia, the Nasarawa State capital, when the powers that be then, denied the visiting presidential candidate of the then Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) and the party’s governorship candidate, access to the Lafia Stadium and the then Old Parade Ground, to host their political rallies.

Senator Al-makura did President Buhari proud by being the only state in the country to have won the governorship election under the CPC. With Al-makura in power, President Buhari became a father to the state and a rallying point for Al-makura who saw an opportunity to demonstrate and make practical Buhari’s political philosophy.

Al-makura provided the platform for the CPC to join the negotiations leading to the merger of the legacy parties. He hosted the maiden meeting of the progressive governors forum in Lafia, to demonstrate his level of commitment and responsibility to the APC.

The former Nasarawa State governor has everything at stake to ensure the APC not only succeed but that the gains so far recorded, are sustained. The APC has grown in leaps and bounds. From only 11 governors, the party has taken over the country, controls both chambers of the national assembly, as well as the state assemblies.

These factors combine to serve as motivation for Senator Al-makura to seek to become the national chairman of the APC. And rightly because Al-makura has paid his dues within the party. He has a stake in the party that he helped built. He is not coming to share in the spoils but to build and further develop the party.

His experience during the altercation with the state House of Assembly, dominated by the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has further enriched his political experience on how to negotiate torny issues, especially using the carrot and stick tactics. Before leaving office, he ensured that the status of the assembly was restructured, making sure the PDP lost its grip on the legislature.

It’s is worthy of note to say that, members of the then state assembly, who tried to frustrate Al-makura’s sweeping reforms that saw to the cutting down the cost of governance while channeling resources to building critical infrastructure, have all seen the light and jumped ship to join the APC.

In Nasarawa State, it’s safe to say that, as a result of the inclusive, all embracing leadership style of the former governor, the ranks of the opposition has since been depleted, with politicians trooping to the APC in droves.

If Senator Al-makura emerges as national chairman of the party, he will bring dignity and respect to the office. Already, his offices and private residences both in Abuja and Lafia, have become a Mecca of some sorts, with politicians from across every part of the country, trooping in solidarity and show of support towards his aspiration to become the national chairman of the APC.

So far, none of the aspirants for the office of the national chairman of the APC enjoys such open solidarity and support like Senator Al-makura. It’s obvious that he is the right man for the job and the stakeholders and leaders of the party should read the handwriting on the wall and to elect Senator Al-makura the next national chairman of the APC.

Solidarity and support continue to pour from across the country, with prominent politicians trooping to identify with the former Nasarawa State governor. From all indications, Senator Al-makura remains the most accepted and popular aspirant among all those that are gunning for the seat of the national chairman of the APC.

Indeed, with Al-makura at the helm of affairs of the party, the APC is poised to consolidate on its grip on power and to sustain all the development initiatives put in place by the present leadership under President Muhammadu Buhari.

With Senator Al-makura as the national chairman of the party, it’s a win-win for the APC, President Buhari and all progressive minded Nigerians.

*Garkuwan Giza*

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