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May our daughters’ lives not scatter in their 100 level

May our daughters’ lives not scatter in their 100 level

Dear Mummy Temilolu,

You’re one of the important women in my life. You’ve been a great mother to me. Thank you for all you do. I’ll be 20 years old on Saturday and I know that if I had not met you since my early teenage years I’d have made many sexual mistakes. Your words have formed me to be a better person. Thank you so much for your constant words of encouragement. I pray God blesses you and increase you more than you can imagine. Mummy Temi, I love you so much! Bidemi

Dear Ma,

I am one of your daughters in the Lord. I’ve not read your articles for a while now but your teachings I read In the past are not something I can forget in a hurry. I don’t know if you normally have an online training for those who would like to be sexual purity crusader. I would like to enrol ma. I have a passion for teens and young adults. It is by God’s grace and through your mentorship and that of other godly mentors online and offline that I am still a virgin at age 33. I want God to use me for this generation. I will await your response ma. Thank you and may God keep you and your family in health and in wealth in Jesus name amen.


Dear Ma,

I am a 24-year-old, in a relationship with a committed born-again Christian and we stand for sexual purity. The only sexual experience I ever had was when I was sexually-abused as a child due to my mother’s negligence. I gave my life to Christ in 2013 and I’m glad God has helped me this far. My mother packed out of the house because my father molested my sister. God made a way for me and sent me help to school at Lead City University. If not for Christ in me and the path of purity I chose to follow despite hardship, I wonder what would have happened to me. I have faced shame, rejection and no fatherly love but Christ came through! Now is God not wonderful for ensuring I stumbled on someone like you who knows exactly what my spirit needs without knowing I exist and one who can see me through this phase of my life? You can’t imagine how many souls you deliver from destruction daily. Please don’t stop writing. I love you, ma!

My Darling, precious, glorious, dignified, world-famous and heavenly-celebrated Nigerian daughters,


May our daughters’ lives not scatter in their 100 level
March 16, 2024
7:18 am


May our daughters’ lives not scatter in their 100 level

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May our daughters’ lives not scatter in their 100 level
May our daughters’ lives not scatter in their 100 level
Dear Mummy Temilolu,

You’re one of the important women in my life. You’ve been a great mother to me. Thank you for all you do. I’ll be 20 years old on Saturday and I know that if I had not met you since my early teenage years I’d have made many sexual mistakes. Your words have formed me to be a better person. Thank you so much for your constant words of encouragement. I pray God blesses you and increase you more than you can imagine. Mummy Temi, I love you so much! Bidemi

Dear Ma,

I am one of your daughters in the Lord. I’ve not read your articles for a while now but your teachings I read In the past are not something I can forget in a hurry. I don’t know if you normally have an online training for those who would like to be sexual purity crusader. I would like to enrol ma. I have a passion for teens and young adults. It is by God’s grace and through your mentorship and that of other godly mentors online and offline that I am still a virgin at age 33. I want God to use me for this generation. I will await your response ma. Thank you and may God keep you and your family in health and in wealth in Jesus name amen.


Dear Ma,

I am a 24-year-old, in a relationship with a committed born-again Christian and we stand for sexual purity. The only sexual experience I ever had was when I was sexually-abused as a child due to my mother’s negligence. I gave my life to Christ in 2013 and I’m glad God has helped me this far. My mother packed out of the house because my father molested my sister. God made a way for me and sent me help to school at Lead City University. If not for Christ in me and the path of purity I chose to follow despite hardship, I wonder what would have happened to me. I have faced shame, rejection and no fatherly love but Christ came through! Now is God not wonderful for ensuring I stumbled on someone like you who knows exactly what my spirit needs without knowing I exist and one who can see me through this phase of my life? You can’t imagine how many souls you deliver from destruction daily. Please don’t stop writing. I love you, ma!


My Darling, precious, glorious, dignified, world-famous and heavenly-celebrated Nigerian daughters,

My heart goes out to you all every now and then. Last Saturday, I was invited to speak at Chrisland University Abeokuta, an institution which from all indications is protective of her students. My heart lurched for some time as I beheld innocent looking girls with a fantastically bright future looking forward to the life of their dreams who could have it shattered into pieces by falling unnecessarily in love and also as a result of undue peer pressure and influence however we thank God for private universities that can monitor the life style of their students to a large extent.

In public universities, I have seen beautiful lives topple over! I have seen pure girls turned to vicious girls and had their lives totally derailed and scattered. I have seen those meant to be studying to become world-class and first class individuals turned to housewives in their teens and thoroughly abused by their so-called boyfriends in school. I have seen so much cruelty meted upon girls whose parents treat like gold and have spent so much on grooming them by guys who can’t even define their destiny or destination in life! I have seen brilliant girls who should later become a global phenomenon turned to puppets, nervous wrecks and irreparably messed up when they should be laying a solid foundation for their lives. Who’s going to help our upcoming undergraduates avoid this precarious situation? A lot of parents seem to have been nonchalant on this issue and I pray their nonchalance doesn’t cause them pain in future. For every parent reading, you never can tell what pain and trauma your daughter is going through right now as a result of an unnecessary relationship and a gross abuse of her sexuality. Please wade in , intervene, assist these girls by all means by feeding them with the right information on sexual purity and self-development. There’s a lot more coming your way on this!

invite you to follow me on Facebook –TEMILOLU OKEOWO Instagram @ Okeowotemilolu


Are you still engaging in premarital sex? Each act devalues you! Your wonders are waiting to start. God is waiting for you to become a Secondary virgin! You are most welcome on board the chastity campaign train and Girls Club is open for all girls and ladies. Please text your name, age, school or occupation and State of domicile to 07086620576.

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