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Trust, accountability, and transparency have always been Senator Umaru Tanko Al-Makura’s watchwords and guides in good governance, and he was elected to represent Nasarawa South Senatorial District under the All Progressives Congress (APC),
Senator Al-Makura has shown a sense of high responsibility and leadership by ensuring that he gives back to the people that elected him, a former two-term governor and architect of modern Nasarawa State , whose tentacles have continued to reverberate across his senatorial district through life-changing projects that improve his constituents’ lives. Working for development that promotes peace, unity, justice, and fair play in the real sense of good governance.

Senator Al-Makura is reputed to have tabled numerous bills, many of which President Buhari signed into law, to the benefit of the entire country. Of the bills introduced in the Senate.
Senator Al-Makura is credited with sponsoring and co-sponsoring the following:
1. Firearm Control Act (Repeal and Re-enactment) Bill, 2020 – First Reading
2. Nigerian Mineral Development Corporation (Est) Bill, 2020 – Second Reading
3. Federal University Lafia Teaching Hospital (Est) Bill, 2021 – Passed
4. University Teaching Hospitals (Reconstitution of Boards, etc.) Act (Amendment) Bill, 2021 – Passed
5. Explosives Act (Repeal and Re-enactment) Bill, 2021 – Passed

Details of Bills
. Firearm Control Act (Repeal and Re-enactment) Bill, 2020 – First Reading
The main aim of this bill is to tighten firearms control and curtail the proliferation of illegal arms , while bringing it in line with global best practices to effectively address some of the security challenges currently plaguing Nigeria.
The Nigeria Gun Act, also known as the Firearms Act, defines everything about firearms in possession, licensing, and transfer, among other things. Gun laws and policies (collectively referred to as “firearms regulation” or “gun control”) regulate the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, and use of small arms by civilians.

2. Nigerian Mineral Development Corporation (Est) Bill, 2020 – Second Reading
A bill seeking to establish the Nigerian Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) aims at diversifying the economy and creating jobs through the development of Nigeria’s mineral resources.
It will also help this country in generating employment for so many youths and reduce the security risk we are facing. The lack of this legislation gave rise to illegal miners who use their activities to fuel insecurity.

3. Federal University Lafia Teaching Hospital (Est) Bill, 2021 – Passed
This Bill is therefore to provide the legal framework for the operation of the proposed teaching hospital for the clinical training of medical students of the College of Medicine, Federal University, Lafia. The Teaching Hospital, when established, will not only serve as a training ground for medical students but also offer specialized tertiary healthcare services to patients within the state and indeed, other patients referred to it from other parts of Nigeria.

4. University Teaching Hospitals (Reconstitution of Boards, etc.) Act (Amendment) Bill, 2021 – Passed
The bill amendment will ensure inclusive healthcare management in the country since the bill seeks to change the nomenclature of the Head of Tertiary Health Institutions from Chief Medical Director (CMD) to Chief Executive Officer(CEO) and redefine the qualifications of the head of tertiary hospitals.
It will also provide a definite tenure of office for the Head of Tertiary Hospitals, include students of health sciences in training programmes of hospitals, include hospitals established post-enactment of the legal framework in the schedule and for other related matters, and restructure the composition of the governing boards of federal government tertiary hospitals.

5. Explosives Act (Repeal and Re-enactment) Bill, 2021 – Passed
The bill seeks to repeal the Explosives Act of 1964 and enact a new explosives act to regulate the manufacture, storage, possession, use, distribution, purchase, sale, transportation, importation, and exportation of explosives, seeking to control the proliferation of arms as well as regulate the importation of explosives into the country.

Salihu Abdullahi Osuko
(Garkuwan Giza)
Media Aide To Distinguish People’s Senator Umar Tanko Almakura.

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