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Fiancé dumped me over my passion for driving — Female truck driver

Fiancé dumped me over my passion for driving — Female truck driver




Fiancé dumped me over my passion for driving — Female truck driver


Female truck driver, Tofunmi Adediran, tells ABDULLATEEF FOWEWE how members of her gender always discourage her whenever she is driving and the sexual harassment she has faced in the course of doing her work

What motivated you to engage in male-dominated work?

I’m Tofunmi Adediran, and I hail from Ibadan, Oyo State, although I was born and raised in Ejigbo, Lagos State. I am 28 years old and work as a truck driver. I hold a West African Senior Secondary Certificate. My journey into this trade (truck driving) began at age 21, as I was driven by a deep-seated passion for driving.

My inspiration came from seeing a lady in my neighbourhood confidently driving a truck, which challenged my perception of gender roles in such professions.

Despite initial opposition from my mother, who felt it was not a suitable career for a lady, I informed my elder sister and her husband about it, and they eventually supported my decision. I sought guidance from a truck driver I was familiar with, who promised to get back to me and later connected me with his apprentice.

Under his tutelage, I learned the skills and gained valuable experience, even conveying fuel. After two years, I heard that they sacked him at his workplace, which made me transition to another company.

Luckily, I had a connection at the new company, and the person who connected me later became my fiancé. I expressed my interest in continuing my work, and he, being experienced in the field, assured me of better training than what I had received previously.

His encouragement and unwavering support boosted my confidence. He started assigning me loaded trucks to drive to various destinations and discharge the load independently, which further built my skills and morale.

However, it got to a point when I almost gave up due to a company issue that left me sitting at home without any work.

Later on, I received a call from a company in need of a female driver. I joined them, and they offered me tremendous support, even providing me with my truck. Living close to where truck drivers gather made it easy for me to learn the trade quickly.

What are the challenges you have faced in the work?

Let me begin with the scariest experience I’ve had in this job, and that was when we travelled to Onitsha, Anambra State, and had an accident. I nearly gave up then, because I was very scared and I thought that I would‘ve died if not for God’s intervention.

So, when I returned home, I told my parents that I would not be able to continue with the job, but my parents didn’t buy that idea, rather they motivated me that nothing was going to happen to me again and gave me absolute support. That motivated me to continue the job, and since I started gaining more experience in the job, I am always motivated whenever people see me and excited that a lady is driving a truck.

Meanwhile, most ladies don’t really support me with their words of discouragement, they are always like, ‘What is she driving?’, but men encourage me the most; some would even stop me and encourage me to do better; this is what they like seeing. I thank God for the blessings I have received so far; I am now my own boss.

However, I faced numerous challenges, especially during my apprenticeship. Once, our truck broke down in Warri, and my boss went into the town to look for mechanics; while waiting for the mechanic, some men demanded money from me for parking by the roadside.

When I explained my situation, they left me, and a man promised to come and see me personally, when he came back, he harassed me by showing me his manhood and asked me to mention my price; I had to beg him and stand my ground that I was not a sex worker.

Upon my boss’ return, I narrated what happened to him and he showed no concern about the incident, and that was what made me decide to leave him alone in Warri and return to Lagos.

Bathing is always difficult while on journeys; I bathed and relieved myself in the bush. Men often made inappropriate remarks when they saw me with my boss, but when I drove past them; they praised my skill, surprised that a woman could drive a truck.

How did you handle your monthly period while on trips?

Fortunately for me, I don’t experience severe menstrual pain, so I manage it by finding public toilets by every means to maintain my hygiene.

Also, if I want to urinate, I usually have a wrapper in the truck, I will just bend down at any free space and I will cover myself with the wrapper. Overall, despite the challenges, I’m grateful for my journey and proud to be my own boss.

How would you describe your travelling experience?

As a female truck driver, I’ve travelled to numerous states, even during my apprenticeship.

However, since becoming my own boss, I haven’t ventured to the eastern part of the country. It’s not that I can’t go there; I’m eager to explore that region, but it depends on the company I’m currently working with.

Additionally, I aspire to travel abroad with my truck to enhance my driving skills.

Will you allow your children to venture into this trade?

Of course, if any of my children are interested in learning to drive a truck in the future, I will wholeheartedly support them. I also hope their father will offer his full support, as I believe that in the coming century, this trade will become one of the most lucrative in Africa. I am aware that truck drivers are well compensated in European countries, which reflects their understanding of the demands of our work.

How would you describe your academic journey?

As for my academic journey, it has been uneventful, as all the schools I attended were in my local area. Both my primary and secondary schools were in Ejigbo.

However, my school days were some of the best times of my life, and those in my area know that I don’t tolerate nonsense; I had hoped to further my education. Unfortunately, financial constraints prevented me from doing so.

Nevertheless, I find joy in my work as a truck driver. I still aspire to pursue further education as I plan to study mechanical engineering. I am determined to continue my education, but I will not opt for full-time studies.

What kind of humiliation do you face as a lady driver?

As a female driver, the kind of humiliation I face varies. Sometimes, people are surprised to see a woman driving a truck and make derogatory remarks. Others may question my ability to handle such a job. Some call me a prostitute when they see me sitting beside my boss, and my boss always keeps me shut and ensures that I do not reply to them. However, I strive to remain professional and focused on my work, and I haven’t faced much humiliation as a female in a male-dominated space; instead, people tend to respect me when they see me driving. Even if someone tries to speak to me rudely, others often defend me before I even need to respond.

How would you describe your experience so far?

My experience as a female truck driver has been overwhelmingly positive. I’ve received a level of respect and admiration that I never experienced before. This newfound respect has even led to new friendships. I am incredibly grateful for how things have turned out, and I have no regrets about my career choice. If anything, I wish I had started this journey sooner, back when I was 15, but at that time, I lacked the confidence and motivation.

However, I always prioritise safety while on the road, and I remain confident that I will stay safe, especially when my truck is well-maintained to avoid breakdowns, especially in Lagos. I recall a day when our truck broke down in Lagos while I was still working for my boss. In that area, if a truck breaks down, the driver is often manhandled by thugs and the drivers are forced to pay for services they (thugs) didn’t work for. Fortunately, they didn’t harm us physically, but they said that they would have been harsher if I hadn’t been a female driver.

How do you balance life on the road with your personal life?

Balancing life on the road with my personal life has been interesting. I remember a time in Warri when people gave me money simply because I was a female truck driver. Similarly, when I went to Ojo-Alaba (Lagos) to discharge fuel at a filling station, people were so excited to see a female driving a fuel tanker that they almost pulled me down from the truck. Those moments are very memorable to me, and I cherish them. However, my work doesn’t interfere much with my personal life. If I want three days off, I can take them because my company respects my freedom. I can work from Monday to Friday and then take the weekend off to go home or attend a party during the week without any issues. When I was an apprentice, I needed permission from my boss, but now that I’m my own boss, I can manage my work time and create the time I need. This flexibility allows me to have time for myself and my family.

What advice do you have for other women interested in becoming truck drivers?


For women interested in becoming truck drivers, I know it’s not an easy decision to make. However, those who choose this path should not let others discourage them. All you need is passion and confidence. It’s a job that women can do, and determination is key to succeeding in it. I’ve noticed that those who join the trade solely for money often have a less fulfilling experience because their focus is always on the pay cheque. I joined because of my love for driving, and I’m grateful for where it has led me. So, any woman considering this job should be prepared for harassment, humiliation, and discouragement, but with determination, they can overcome these challenges.

Have you encountered any stereotypes or misconceptions about female truck drivers?

Yes. People believe that female truck drivers are not perfect because it is male-dominated work. There’s a common misconception that underestimates our abilities when people see us driving trucks on the road. However, this belief is unfounded because female truck drivers are often more careful and diligent than male drivers. Unlike some male drivers, we don’t engage in drugs and alcohol before driving, we use our natural energy, and that is one of the major things that always keeps us safe on the road. Also, I know someone who started learning how to drive trucks before me and is still an apprentice, whereas I have already completed my apprenticeship.

How do you stay connected with friends and family while on the road for extended periods?

To stay connected with friends and family while on the road for extended periods, I use voice calls, chats, and video calls.

Has your work ever impacted any of your relationships?

Before I started this work, I was dating someone who, when I told him about my career choice, accused me of wanting to start prostitution. I was upset and had to defend my decision. He then asked me to choose between him and my work. I didn’t want to leave him, but I also didn’t want to leave my job. Eventually, he broke up with me. Later, I met my fiancé, who was very supportive of my work. Interestingly, my ex-partner later regretted leaving me and wanted us to reconcile, but by then, I had moved on.

How do you manage the physical and mental challenges of long hours behind the wheel as a truck driver?

I understand that as a truck driver, adaptation to whatever comes your way, be it positive or otherwise, is very crucial.

Have you experienced any near-misses or accidents while driving?

I haven’t had any accident since becoming my own boss, but I experienced two while learning; my boss was driving the truck on our way to deliver diesel when a car hit a woman crossing the road. The car then hit our truck, causing it to swerve and fall into a gutter and spilling the entire 45,000 litres of diesel. We had to exit through the window, but thankfully, there were no casualties.

What skills and qualities do you believe are essential for a successful truck driver?

To succeed as a driver, having a valid licence is essential, as it proves your credibility. Additionally, strong driving skills are crucial, as they demonstrate your capability on the road. (Sunday PUNCH)

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