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We talk so much about the people who hurt, we forget about the people who heal.

There are people who are true sunshine in the cloudy days of our lives. People who reach out to us, who encourage us, who remind us what’s good and who organize our feelings. They are true divine compasses to guide us when we are disoriented.

Just as there are toxic people, there are medicinal people who, when they approach us, heal our Soul. What makes a person like this is not the absence of flaws, but the delicacy in the gestures of love.

It’s a gift that goes far beyond positive thinking. It’s behavior that manifests itself in our day to day situations when no one is watching.

The goal is to develop in yourself that difficult-to-teach art – because it is not found in books – and which, perhaps, for this, is increasingly rare.

This “fragrance” you find in those people with whom you open up without reservations even without understanding why. You find those people who smile for everything and nothing. You find those people who know how to give a friendly word, without judging, without criticizing. They are light people, who have learned to complicate life.

Next to them our doubt finds relief and our fears find shelter. Around them our laughter is lighter and our cry is not afraid to let go. When we are with them, we are more authentic and Life gets more Light and Love.

They are magical people who convey peace to us without a word being said. Quiet and calm our soul with care and plant seeds of optimism in our heart.

Good people who embrace us just with their presence, and make all our discomfort comfortable.

Let’s observe more people around us who heal, because those are truly worth to be noticed. And you’ll realize, sooner or later, that the world is full of them.

*Garkuwan Giza*

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