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APPRECIATION FROM THE S.A TO THE HM, HON. YUSI BUBA. The Die is Now Cast, the Antics Have Been Brought to Their Knees.

On behalf of my respectful and trustworthiness of my BOSS the HM of (FMHAPA) Dr Betta Edu, l truly lack enough words to express my thank you most sincerely mgses and appreciation to everyone of us, the lovers, supporters and avids members and colleagues of the humanitarian family platforms of Dr Betta Edu cross board over the wonderful and an unalloyed supports showcased in various social media handles to unraveled ever tribulations and challenges of the lebellous financial embezzlement minted on the HM as short of nothing other than trying to tie a goat in order to give it a bad name.

In the end, however, the truth is said to be sacrosanct, its has been spoken by the general public and their voices have been heard by the power that be through various channels of disseminating of the Hottest News updates owing to their nefarious detraction on EDU public trust in the end has boomerang on the enbettled CEO Hajia Halima Shehu of NSIPA and their conspirators, cohorts amongst others.

The fiticious financial embezzlement of N3b has been unleashed, while that of N586 millions meant for the disbursement to the vulnerable in the 4 States earlier stated was on the approval of the presidency both of which were erroneous and maliciously levelled against Dr EDU as looting of public funds by the mischief makers matters have been unraveled back to the status quo.

It’s now therefore left for the antagonists, the antics, their sponsors, their conspirators amongst others, in our midst be put to perpetual disarray and also shame to the wailers and guilible in multiple folds a million times.

Long live Federal Republic of Nigeria,
Long President Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tunibu Renewed Hope mantra,
Long live HM Dr Betta Edu FMHAPA.
Long live, the S.A to the HM on Youths Mobilization Hon YUSI Buba and supportive winning team.

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S.A to the HM, Hon. Yusi Buba

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