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THE LEADER WITH INCREDIBLE EXAMPLE. DR BETA EDU.The Hon Minister Humitarian,and poverty alleviation By: *Hon Buba yusi*

I have come across different calibers of people in my life but meeting you is exceptional your skills of mentorship is uncomparable, you have picked uncountable numbers of youths and womens from the streets that were hopeless and gave them hope, you have empowered so many womens/youths today in which they can be recognised among the peers in our society.

If there is history to be remembered and to act towards positive legacy then I will not be ashamed to tell the next generation that Dr Beta Edu , was and worth emulating.

You have been an excellent Boss, Mentor Mother, Aunty and your encouragement is worthy to be adored.

You are the best among others when its comes to service to humanity, you have sacrifices so many things just to see that our youths/womens are being recognize among the peers. You are the reason some womens/ youths can now feed three square meal per day, own a house, car and paying they bills comfortable etc.

DR BETA EDU your efforts towards the progress of Nigeria. I lack a suitable word to qualify you for your social services to Humanity.

My loyalty for you has no boundaries, always grateful for you Boss.

* Hon yusi buba *sa youth Mobilization North East to Hon Minister.of hummaniterian and poverty aleviation

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