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BETTA IS BETTERING HUMANITY By Nnanna Morgan Love or hate her, Betta is bettering humanity. She is using her platform to advance common good. She is not new to service. Young, energetic and passionate, she is full of dreams. She is creative and innovative. And she has proven these times without number. She is a go-getter. Anything she touches, turns to gold. She is one with Midas touch.

Appointing her to the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation as Minister by the Tinubu administration is therefore a right decision. She is a round peg in a round hole. Her experience and exposure qualify her thus. As former Commissioner of Health in Cross River State, Betta proved her mettle. She showed capacity. When in the role as National Woman Leader of the APC, she exhibited resilience. On the two aforementioned positions, she discharged her jobs creditably and professionally. Today, she is a leading light to womanhood. She is an everyday example of brain and beauty.

With her, realising the fundamental objective principle of State policy which states that ensuring the welfare and security of citizens will be the objective of government is achievable. At her Ministry, Betta has continued to show uncommon determination, zeal and obligation to the wellbeing, welfare and security of Nigerians. She loves Nigeria. She thinks her country. This is why in less than 3 months after being appointed minister, she has not only hit the ground running; she has already left indelible marks for which history will be kind to her.

As Dr. Betta Edu takes charge of the Ministry, Nigerians are upbeat. This is more so that her successes are already being widely felt. Is anyone surprised? Her journey from a young Student Leader to National Party Leader and a Federal Minister sparks hope. Her story is truly inspirational. Her appointment has generated optimism and enthusiasm among Nigerians. She is evidently regarded as a blessing to Nigerian youths and the hundreds of thousands of N-Power beneficiaries who are looking to her for strengthening the social investment scheme and restoring their hopes. And she has not failed.

Not only has she revamped the Social Investment Programme (SIP), she has renamed it the Renewed Hope Conditional Cash Transfer Programme, thus connecting it to the President’s agenda. The main objective is to provide monthly stipends to 15 million vulnerable households to improve their standard of living and alleviate the effect of economic challenges, particularly the removal of fuel subsidies. In order to enhance transparency and prevent the previously identified issues of fraud associated with the programme, she has completely restructured it to exclusively admit individuals with biometric identification. This stringent condition ensures a precise focus on those who are authentically less privileged. Her determination to reach the disadvantaged knows no limits. Betta is making an impact on the nation whilst giving her citizens profound confidence. Not only is she using her platform to advance common good, she is proving herself to be a keystone for growth and development in the country with distinct accomplishments.

It, therefore, comes as no surprise that her outstanding performance in the Ministry is leaving a lasting impression. Even the naysayers cannot deny the significant strides she has made. Her training and exposure have been nothing short of impressive. The various degrees she has obtained in Medicine and Public Health from distinguished international institutions like the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine among others undoubtedly played a crucial role in her achievements. Her journey exemplifies the concept of preparedness meeting opportunity, as she defies conventional expectations to lead alongside seasoned men and women.

The Igbo adage which says that a child that washes his/her hands clean will sure dine with the Kings has Betta in mind. She has washed clean. She is foresighted. A super visionary! Who else would believe a woman born in 1986 could become such a personality of influence, charting a unique course for her generation; and has emerged as a leader in her own right. While many of her peers are searching for employment, she has taken on the role of gatekeeper and protector for them, advocating for the vulnerable in many ways. As a champion of equality, equity, economic justice and political stability, Betta stands for the vulnerable-children, youths, women, poor and the aged. Betta is good, BETTER and Best.

Nigeria is proud of Betta’s contributions. She is indeed a rising star and her prominence is undeniable. As she marks another year in her life journey, we say 37 HEARTY CHEERS to her. At the end, she will be remembered and honoured as an indisputable icon. She will be remembered as a distinguished woman known for her unyielding determination, courage and unwavering resilience. History will record her as one with a heart of gold-who came, saw and conquered. May the sun continue to shine brightly on her path as she, alongside President Tinubu, reshape history and rekindle hope among Nigerians and global populace.

Kudos to a great woman of inspiration. Ride on Honourable Minister of the Federal Republic. March on. Accomplish more for us.

Nnanna Morgan is a Public Affairs Analyst and resides in Lagos.

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