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The clamour and support for His Excellency, Distinguished Senator Umar Tanko Al-Makura, the erstwhile Governor of Nasarawa State to emerge as the National Chairman of the governing All Progressives Congress (APC) has thickened with various groups drumming support for his candidature.

Various groups are moving from one end to another, and taking steps to galvanize support for him. For many reasons, Al-Makura stands out as a formidable choice, capable of building on the successes of successive National Chairmen of the party.

Many individuals hold the opinion that he is the preferred choice for the position of APC National Chairman since no one from the defunct Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) bloc has occupied the position out of all the blocs that merged to birth APC. This is the least considerations that qualifies Al-Makura for the position of APC National Chairman.

Giving his background and accomplishments, especially how he successfully managed the party in Nasarawa State while serving as leader of the party in the state, and the immense contributions he has made to its sustenance, Al-Makura no doubt possess the right character, stamina and political experience to lead the governing APC to greater successes. He personifies political leadership and is worthy to shoulder the burden of the party and its teeming supporters.

Al-Makura gave life to the defunct CPC in Nasarawa State when he joined the party in 2010 to pursue his aspiration of becoming the Governor of the state. Although the CPC at the time was new and could barely boast of political heavyweights to make a statement through its platform, Al-Makura deployed his weight and mobilized public support to the party to defeat an incumbent at the gubernatorial election in what is described as a revolution never seen and yet to be seen again in the state.

He has been a practicing politician for four (4) decades, occupying both party and governmental positions. He was the Youth Leader of the National Party of Nigeria (NPN) and later elected Secretary of the National Republican Convention (NRC) in the old Plateau State in 1980 and 1990 respectively; elected into the Constituency Assembly between 1988 and 1989 to represent Lafia/Obi; and elected Governor of Nasarawa State in 2011.

While serving as Governor and leader of the party in Nasarawa State, Al-Makura paid keen attention to the party and ensured that it was on the same page with his government to deliver on its mandate. Due to his harmonious nature and disposition to team work, he alongside others successfully entered a merger with leaders of other opposition political parties to form the governing APC.

Even though the leaders of these political parties were distinct fellows, Al-Makura alongside others through tact strategies were able to secure the buy-in of others for the formation and consolidation of APC.

He is one of the few Governors that recorded no open confrontation or disagreement with the leadership of their parties in their respective states. While holding sway for 8 years, he managed divergent interests and contributed immensely to keeping the party united in the state.

This is attributed largely to his ability to absorb shock and his mastery in managing political conflict. It is no secret that he fell out with some of his allies, including those with whom he prosecuted his gubernatorial campaign under the platform of the defunct CPC and later, his deputy, however, being the distinct man with a large heart, he never engaged them on any issue publicly.

This typifies the peaceful and gracious character of Al-Makura. This further demonstrates his ability to manage all manner of people, and if given the mandate to lead the governing APC, he will do well and even more to keep the party united for a common goal in spite of divergent political interest from all manner of party men and women.

Al-Makura is also honest and stands firmly to accomplish his policy statements and take decisions to honour his commitment even under very difficult circumstances. He has demonstrated this as a Governor and in his personal dealings – leading to successes in many fronts. The governing party needs a leader now more than ever before that can be honest and just to all and stand to defend all.

Al-Makura is a mobilizer with the ability to mobilize people of all ages, creed, ethnicity and regions to support the APC to remain formidable and relevant for a prosperous Nigeria. He is a thorough progressive with the burning desire for sustainable development.

This will provide a suitable support to President Ahmed Bola Tinubu in 2027. He is skillful in the field of politics, he has deep understanding of words and actions, he is witty, detailed, meticulous, tact, and can maneuver circumstances to achieve desired result. He is goal oriented and full of energy to put the APC on a pedestal that cannot be matched by the opposition.

While Al-Makura is also vocal and loquacious, he has the ability to also manage his emotions and ensure that it does not becloud his judgment and decisions, especially when dealing with political interests. He is the man to bring sanity, party discipline and energy to reinvigorate the APC and ensure party supremacy.

*Garkuwan Giza*

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