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Is Church crowd size a sign of God’s presence? Omokri slams Pastor Enenche

Is Church crowd size a sign of God’s presence? Omokri slams Pastor Enenche

I just saw pastor Paul Enenche mocking his fellow pastor, Pastor Damina. Referring to Mr. Damina’s ministry, Mr. Enenche said, “That kind of ministry where there is hardly anybody physically on ground has no other root but the pit of hell”.


Why would Mr. Enenche say so when Yeshua (Jesus) Himself said:

“For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.”-Matthew 7:13.

How does he want rural pastors and missionaries in the far-flung corners of the world to feel? I am not sure that statement is what a child of God should utter. If Davido and Wizkid or Drake and Kendrick Lamar beef with each other like that, we could understand such childish hubris. But coming from a supposed man of God on the pulpit? Really?

Pastor Jim Jones’ church was filled with crowds, so much so that he was able to build his own town named Jonestown. But obviously, the presence of crowds was not evidence of the presence of God.

And then he went on to boast about his ministry and talked about a demonstration of power.

I wonder if he is referring to the same power that failed him when he publicly and falsely accused Miss Anyim Vera of lying about her testimony of a BSc in Law?

Pastor Paul Enenche is just blessed that Nigeria has many people without critical thinking skills!

He said, and this is a direct quote: “Run with speed so you don’t become history while you are alive”. But his words are in direct contradiction to Scripture, which says:

“The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favour to the learned.”-Ecclesiastes 9:11.

And he called the ministry of other men of God “rubbish”. But how many of those ‘rubbish’ men of God surrendered their altars to Peter Obi during the election and were following him about?


Is this not the same deceit Pastor Paul Enenche pulled during and after the election? Did he not place curses on those he alleged rigged the election and deprived Peter Obi of victory? It is on video. We remember the things he said and did.

It is unfortunate what Mr. Enenche said in his response to Pastor Damina.

I remind Pastor Enenche that Pastor David Yonggi Cho, the pastor of the church with the largest congregation on Earth, Yoido Full Gospel Church, was convicted of fraud and embezzlement and sentenced to three years in prison.

Perhaps someone should tell Mr. Enenche that cancer can actually grow faster than normal organs in the human body. So, to use growth in numbers as a standard to gauge Godliness is rather shallow.

Pastor Damina may or may not be genuinely called, as Pastor Paul alleged, but church crowd size will never be the judge of that. Whether or not Pastor Damina is called or not can be found in one thing and one thing only:

“By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another.”-John 13:35.

Reno Omokri

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