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Just In : N’West Development Commission bill scales second reading

Just In : N’West Development Commission bill scales second reading


The Senate, on Thursday, passed for second reading, bills seeking the establishment of the North West Development Commission and National Youth Service Corps Trust Fund.

Passage of the two pieces of legislation for a second reading by the Senate was separately done after lead and general debates on them.

Leading the debate on the proposed NWDC, the Deputy President of the Senate, Senator Jibrin Barau, who sponsored it, said the proposed commission, when established, would catalyse the development of the North-West by addressing the infrastructural gap in the region.

He lamented that the Boko Haram insurgency wreaked the infrastructure of the region, a situation, he said, led to an exodus of investors.

He said, ‘‘The enactment of this bill will help to rebuild the North-West zone and shall provide the opportunity for the people of the zone to display their talents and contribute immensely to the development of the country.”

According to him, when established, the commission would “formulate policies and guidelines for the development of the North-West zone where security shall prevail.’’

Similarly, Senator Yemi Adaramodu, who sponsored the bill for the NYSC Trust Fund, said the trust fund, would help in the area of financing skills acquisition and entrepreneurship for corps members as start-up capital and invariably help them after national service to be employers of labour and not just job seekers.

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