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23rd January, 2024

Members of the Press,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

We’d like to commend President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for his quick responses and proactiveness in addressing pressing issues facing our great nation. We acknowledge his readiness for the tasks ahead, particularly his fight against orruption, and his disposition towards the general welfare of Nigerians.

We are of the firm conviction that when corruption is effectively tackled, every Nigerians will benefit from the dividends of democracy.

Furthermore, we appreciate the president’s efforts towards ameliorating the security challenges plaguing our nation, particularly the recent Abuja kidnapping and other scurity breaches across the country. The president’s ability to summon a security meeting with the heads of different security agencies and putting them on high alert is a welcome development.

However, we wish to air our suggestions on how to finally conquer these pressing challenges as we believe the business of Governance should be a collective responsibility:

1. Security: We urge the president to invest substantial resources to tackling security by deploying high-end technologies such as CCTV and tracking devices that can effectively aid security agent’s efforts in tracking, apprehending and prosecuting criminals. This will help achieve a more secured Nigeria.

2. Public Enlightenment and Sensitization: The National Orientation Agency (NOA) should rise up to responsibility. The imperativeness of educating and sensitizing Nigerians cannot be overemphasized. Anti-kidnapping crusades that dispel the notion that kidanappiing is lucrative should be stepped up so that young Nigerians would understand that Kidnapping is not a legitimate means of livelihood.

3. Employment and Empowerment: The need for jobs creation and empowerment programmes for idle youth should be prioritized as a matter of emergency. Employment must be gainful so that idlesness will reduce, hence curbing crime to the barest minimum.

4. Training and Empowerment of Security Officials: We recommend continuous training and empowerment of security officials to ensure they are fully equipped to protect lives and property. It is essential to provide them with the necessary human resources and encourage their dedication and commitment to their duties.

5. Vocational Education: We advocate for the adoption of vocational education as intergral part of our education system. Also every Nigerians should be mandated to acquire vocational education as post secondary qualification before they proceed to tertiary institutions. It will not only provide the needed skills to our youth but also contribute to our economic development. A highly skilled workforce will enhance our gross domestic product evaluation and lead to a prosperous nation.

Grassroots Engagement for Good Governance stands ready to support President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and work collaboratively to transform Nigeria. We believe that by working together, we can build a more secure, prosperous, and socially just nation.

Adeolu Charles IWAKUN
Covener, Grassroots Engagement For Good Governance.

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